Yun-Yan Chi
2016-04-01 01:14:57 UTC
I have some html files (my slides actually) I'd like to load into hakyll.
So I've tried something like this,
create ["slides.html"] $ do
route idRoute
compile $ do
ss <- loadAll "slides/*.html" :: Compiler [Item String]
let archiveCtx = constField "plpl" (show $ length ss) <>
makeItem ""
The `ss` is always an empty list.
What did i do wrong?
Is there a better way for loading html files?
Or, is there a better way to create a list for html files?
I have some html files (my slides actually) I'd like to load into hakyll.
So I've tried something like this,
create ["slides.html"] $ do
route idRoute
compile $ do
ss <- loadAll "slides/*.html" :: Compiler [Item String]
let archiveCtx = constField "plpl" (show $ length ss) <>
makeItem ""
= loadAndApplyTemplate "templates/slideList.html"
archiveCtx= loadAndApplyTemplate "templates/default.html"
defaultContext= relativizeUrls
But, it doesn't work... p_qThe `ss` is always an empty list.
What did i do wrong?
Is there a better way for loading html files?
Or, is there a better way to create a list for html files?
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