[hakyll] A simple shell script for generating sitemap.xml
Gwern Branwen
2017-10-10 17:30:58 UTC
Sitemaps are useful for guiding search engines to pages & files which
are not prominently linked and will not necessarily be spidered on
their own. I noticed that a number of documents I host on gwern.net
did not show up in Google Scholar as I expected, which defeated the
point of hosting them, so I began looking into how to set up a

There are a few examples for Hakyll or even full-blown modules, but I
either couldn't get them to work or they looked absurdly complex &
required hundreds of lines of code. A sitemap.xml is such a simple
format that I found that a little disgusting, so eventually I gave up
and just hacked together a short shell script which appears to work:
the XML validates despite containing thousands of URLs and Google
Webmaster Tools reports no errors & crawling is successful. So perhaps
other Hakyll users might find it useful.

This script depends on xargs, sh/Bash, find, sed, and the CLI tool
'urlencode' (available on Debian/Ubuntu from the 'gridsite-clients'
package) to escape filenames. Find looks for files which are big
enough that they are unlikely to be HTML redirects generated by
Hakyll.Redirects, then they are all url-encoded and substituted into a
URL entry, concatenated, and header/footer appended, and voila, a

(echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?> <urlset
find _site/ -type f -size +2k -print0 | xargs -L 1 -0 urlencode -m |
sed -e
echo "</urlset>") >> ./_site/sitemap.xml

This is run inside the top-level website directory; replace the
'www\.gwern\.net' as appropriate.
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Kyle Marek-Spartz
2017-10-10 19:01:13 UTC
Neat! I opted for a sitemap.txt format since it was simpler to generate:



Post by Gwern Branwen
Sitemaps are useful for guiding search engines to pages & files which
are not prominently linked and will not necessarily be spidered on
their own. I noticed that a number of documents I host on gwern.net
did not show up in Google Scholar as I expected, which defeated the
point of hosting them, so I began looking into how to set up a
There are a few examples for Hakyll or even full-blown modules, but I
either couldn't get them to work or they looked absurdly complex &
required hundreds of lines of code. A sitemap.xml is such a simple
format that I found that a little disgusting, so eventually I gave up
the XML validates despite containing thousands of URLs and Google
Webmaster Tools reports no errors & crawling is successful. So perhaps
other Hakyll users might find it useful.
This script depends on xargs, sh/Bash, find, sed, and the CLI tool
'urlencode' (available on Debian/Ubuntu from the 'gridsite-clients'
package) to escape filenames. Find looks for files which are big
enough that they are unlikely to be HTML redirects generated by
Hakyll.Redirects, then they are all url-encoded and substituted into a
URL entry, concatenated, and header/footer appended, and voila, a
(echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?> <urlset
find _site/ -type f -size +2k -print0 | xargs -L 1 -0 urlencode -m |
sed -e
echo "</urlset>") >> ./_site/sitemap.xml
This is run inside the top-level website directory; replace the
'www\.gwern\.net' as appropriate.
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